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Paying it Forward

Influencing Undergraduates

An Unusual Promise

Dr. Randy Bradley

It is a challenging extra-curricular assignment that the University of Tennessee hands Professor Randy Bradley on Saturday mornings each spring. He is asked to stand up and face a room full of anxious high school…

Road Less Travelled

Dr. Charles Richardson

The littlest people in Dr. Charles W. Richardson’s Marketing Principles class at the business school of Clark Atlanta University sat on the floor in the back, quietly sipping from juice boxes and playing with sticker…

For Everyone That Comes After You

Dr. Michael Clement

“I need to find a different way to achieve my goal,” veteran University of Texas accounting professor Dr. Michael Clement thought as he surveyed the classroom of his Accounting 380K course, Financial Statement Analysis. There…

Three Women at a Table

Dr. Tiffany Barnett White

The Gothic towers and rarefied intellectual atmosphere of Northwestern University in suburban Chicago envelop many a first-time visitor in a certain kind of imposing atmosphere. “Intimidating” is how some have described it. For a visiting…